Wellness Plans
Our Wellness Plans are designed to allow you to provide your pet the best possible care at an affordable price.

Dogs and cats age far quicker than humans, so it is even more crucial for our companion animals to receive regular exams. In addition, the risks of arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hormone disorders, and kidney and liver problems all increase with age.
From the time your pet is a puppy or kitten to her most senior years, providing your pet with annual preventive healthcare is the very best gift you can give them. Keeping your pet on a wellness plan helps prevent diseases, and because our plans include two annual preventive care exams and diagnostic testing, if your pet does get sick, it will be detected early on, which results in faster, more effective treatment.
A wellness plan is an annual package of services that includes the optimal preventive health care services that your pet needs to stay happy and healthy. Our wellness plans are based on the age and the specific needs of each individual pet. Your veterinarian will make a plan recommendation after conducting a comprehensive examination of your pet. With the included vaccinations, diagnostic health screening, heartworm prevention, office visits, and reduced cost emergency fees, our plans provide comprehensive care to help keep your pet healthy.